Tummy Tuck Surgery

Discover Excellence in Tummy Tuck Surgery with Dr. Lokesh Handa

Transform Your Abdominal Contour and Find Enhanced Confidence!

At Med Esthetiks, we pride ourselves on offering world-class cosmetic surgery solutions spearheaded by the renowned Dr. Lokesh Handa. Dr. Handa, a distinguished figure in cosmetic surgery, specializes in tummy tuck procedures, offering patients the highest standard of care and transformative results. His approach to abdominoplasty combines advanced surgical techniques with a personalized touch, ensuring that each patient’s journey toward a refined and rejuvenated self is both successful and comfortable.

Tummy Tuck Surgery Explained

Tummy tuck surgery, also known as abdominoplasty, is a transformative procedure designed to reshape and refine the abdominal area, creating a smoother, firmer profile. Ideal for individuals who have experienced significant weight loss, childbirth, or aging, tummy tuck surgery offers a pathway to reclaim your body’s contour and enhance your self-esteem. Dr. Lokesh Handa combines cutting-edge techniques with a deep understanding of body anatomy to deliver outstanding tummy tuck results that align with your aesthetic goals.

Why Choose Dr. Lokesh Handa for Tummy Tuck Surgery?

With years of specialized training and hands-on experience in tummy tuck surgery, Dr. Handa’s expertise is unparalleled in Delhi. His commitment to excellence is reflected in his meticulous attention to detail and the bespoke surgical plans tailored to meet each patient’s unique needs. Understanding the importance of an informed decision, Dr. Handa ensures that all your questions about the cost, procedure, and recovery are answered thoroughly during the initial consultation.

By choosing Med Esthetiks, headed by Dr. Lokesh Handa, for your tummy tuck surgery, you’re not just selecting a surgeon; you’re choosing a partner dedicated to helping you achieve your aesthetic goals with safety, compassion, and precision.

Benefits of Tummy Tuck Surgery

A tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, goes beyond just sculpting the body; it’s about enhancing your overall quality of life. This transformative procedure offers a multitude of benefits, addressing both cosmetic concerns and functional issues. Whether it’s restoring the abdomen after pregnancy weight loss or improving posture, the advantages of a tummy tuck are comprehensive and multifaceted.

  • Restores a Flat Tummy: Removes excess skin and fat to achieve a smoother, flatter abdomen.
  • Tightens Abdominal Muscles (Diastasis Recti): Repairs and tightens stretched or separated abdominal muscles that happen during pregnancies, improving core strength.
  • Reduces Stretch Marks: Can improve or diminish stretch marks in the lower abdomen.
  • Improves Posture: A stronger abdomen supports the spine better, potentially alleviating certain types of back pain.
  • Facilitates Easier Clothing Fit: Clothes fit better and more comfortably after contouring the abdominal area.
  • Boosts Confidence: Enhances body image and self-esteem by aligning your appearance with your fitness goals.
  • Encourages a Healthier Lifestyle: Often motivates individuals to maintain a healthy weight through diet and exercise.
  • Reduces Urinary Incontinence: May help in reducing stress urinary incontinence after vaginal birth.
  • Corrects Ventral Hernias: Can correct a hernia while tightening the abdomen, killing two birds with one stone.
  • Long-Lasting Results: With proper maintenance, the results of a tummy tuck can be long-lasting and profoundly impactful.

Choosing to undergo a tummy tuck is a significant decision that can lead to life-changing outcomes. By addressing both aesthetic concerns and physical health, a tummy tuck offers a pathway to not only looking better but feeling better in every aspect of life. With the expertise of Dr Lokesh Handa, patients can achieve outcomes that support a more active, confident, and satisfying lifestyle.

Factors that Influence the Tummy Tuck Surgery Cost

Understanding the factors that influence the cost of tummy tuck surgery is crucial for patients considering this transformative procedure. The price can vary significantly based on several key elements:

  • Surgeon’s Expertise: Highly experienced surgeons may charge more due to their expertise.
  • Geographic Location: Costs can vary depending on the city or country where the surgery is performed.
  • Complexity of the Procedure: More complex surgeries require more time and skill, affecting the cost.
  • Anesthesia Fees: The type and duration of anesthesia used can impact the price.
  • Operating Room Facilities: High-quality facilities may have higher fees but offer better safety and comfort.
  • Medical Tests: Pre-surgery tests to ensure patient safety can contribute to overall costs.
  • Post-Surgery Garments: Special garments needed for recovery may be an additional cost.
  • Follow-up Appointments: Post-operative care is essential for a successful outcome and might influence the total cost.

Considering these factors is essential when planning for a tummy tuck surgery. It’s not just about finding the best price but ensuring you receive quality care that maximizes safety and results. Discussing all potential costs upfront with your surgeon can help you make an informed decision that aligns with your expectations and budget.

Types of Tummy Tuck Procedures at Med Esthetiks

At Med Esthetiks, under the skilled hands of Dr. Lokesh Handa, we offer tailored tummy tuck solutions to meet the diverse needs of our patients. Dr. Handa’s expertise in advanced cosmetic surgery techniques ensures optimal outcomes across various abdominoplasty procedures.

Partial/Mini Tummy Tuck: Ideal for those seeking less extensive correction. Dr. Handa focuses on the lower abdomen, refining the area with minimal downtime and swift recovery.

Complete Tummy Tuck: Designed for comprehensive abdominal reshaping, this procedure is comprehensive, addressing both the upper and lower abdomen for a completely rejuvenated silhouette. Dr. Handa’s precision and care throughout the surgery promote exceptional results.

Extended Tummy Tuck: This option extends beyond the abdomen to address the flanks and lower back, offering a full-body contouring solution. Dr. Handa’s meticulous technique ensures a harmonious body line, enhancing both appearance and confidence.

Each procedure is customized to the individual’s goals, with Dr. Handa’s expertise guiding the journey to a renewed body contour and self-image.

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The Step-by-Step Tummy Tuck Surgery Procedure at Med Esthetiks


Your journey with Dr. Lokesh Handa begins with a comprehensive consultation. Expect an open discussion about your aesthetic goals and medical history and an examination to determine the best approach for your tummy tuck surgery. Dr. Handa’s personalized approach ensures that every question and concern is addressed, setting the foundation for your transformation.

Pre-Surgery Preparation

Dr. Handa and his team will guide you through tailored pre-surgery instructions, including diet, lifestyle adjustments, and medications. These steps are crucial for ensuring a smooth surgery and recovery process.

The Procedure

On the day of your surgery, you’re in the expert hands of Dr. Handa and his surgical team.

Here’s a step-by-step breakdown of the tummy tuck procedure at Med Esthetisk:

  • Arrival and Preparation: Upon arriving at Med Esthetiks, you’ll be welcomed and prepped for surgery.
  • Anesthesia: Anesthesia is administered to ensure comfort throughout the procedure.
  • Incision: Dr. Handa makes a carefully planned incision, optimizing for minimal scarring.
  • Correction: He then removes excess skin and fat and tightens abdominal muscles as needed.
  • Closure: The incisions are closed with fine sutures to promote healing and reduce scar visibility.
  • Recovery: You’re moved to a recovery area where the team monitors your initial post-surgery condition.

Dr. Handa’s approach prioritizes precision, safety, and patient satisfaction at every step.

Post-Surgery Care

Aftercare is paramount for a successful tummy tuck recovery. Dr. Handa provides comprehensive guidelines for several aspects of aftercare after tummy tuck surgery.

  • Managing Discomfort: Dr. Handa advises on pain management techniques and medications.
  • Wound Care: Guidelines for caring for incisions to promote healing and minimize scarring.
  • Activity Levels: Instructions on gradually increasing activity to aid recovery while preventing strain.
  • Follow-Up Appointments: Scheduled visits to assess healing progress and address any concerns.
  • Long-Term Care: Recommendations for maintaining results, including diet and exercise guidelines.

Dr. Handa ensures a comprehensive and personalized aftercare plan for a smooth and effective recovery and to achieve the aesthetic results you desire.

Recovery and Results after Tummy Tuck Surgery

What to Expect During Tummy Tuck Recovery:

  • Immediate Post-Surgery: Initial discomfort, swelling, and bruising are normal; Dr. Handa prescribes medication to manage pain.
  • First Few Weeks: Gradual improvement as swelling decreases; follow specific rest and activity instructions from Dr. Handa.
  • One to Three Months: Noticeable reduction in swelling; scars begin to fade. Dr. Handa monitors progress through follow-up appointments.
  • Six Months to a Year: Full results become apparent; scars continue to improve.
  • Recovery Tips: Dr. Handa offers tailored advice on diet, exercise, and garment use to enhance healing.
  • Seeking Help: Immediate contact guidelines if you experience unusual symptoms or complications.

Results after Tummy Tuck Procedure

  • Timeline: Visible improvements are noticed as early as a few weeks post-surgery, with final results unfolding over the next several months.
  • Expectations: A flatter, firmer abdominal profile and a more proportionate body contour.
  • Longevity: With a stable weight and healthy lifestyle, the results from your tummy tuck can last for many years.

At Med Esthetiks, we ensure a supportive recovery process, guiding you to achieve and maintain the best possible results from your tummy tuck surgery.

Ready to embrace a firmer, flatter abdomen that reflects your hard work and dedication? Let Dr. Lokesh Handa at Med Esthetiks guide you through a transformation that aligns with your aesthetic goals. With unparalleled expertise and a commitment to personalized care, Dr. Handa ensures your journey to a rejuvenated self is both rewarding and fulfilling. Don’t wait to take the next step towards the confidence you deserve. Contact us today to schedule your consultation for tummy tuck surgery and discover the difference excellence makes.


Ideal candidates are in good general health, at a stable weight, and with realistic expectations about the surgery’s outcomes.

Recovery varies by individual, but most patients can return to normal activities within 2-6 weeks, with full recovery taking a few months.

Scars are inevitable, but Dr. Handa’s expertise ensures they are as discreet as possible, typically hidden under clothing lines.

A tummy tuck removes excess skin and tightens muscles in addition to removing fat, while liposuction only removes fat.

As with any surgery, risks include infection, bleeding, and reaction to anesthesia, but risks are minimized under the care of a skilled surgeon like Dr. Handa.