Rhinoplasty Surgery

Result-Specific Rhinoplasty Surgery by
Dr. Lokesh Handa at Med Esthetiks

Reshape Your Confidence, Redefine Your Beauty – Experience Rhinoplasty Excellence with Dr. Handa!

Rhinoplasty, commonly known as a nose job, is a surgical procedure designed to reshape the nose to enhance facial harmony and proportions. It can also correct impaired breathing caused by structural defects in the nose. The benefits of rhinoplasty surgery extend beyond aesthetics, offering significant improvements in self-confidence and quality of life for many individuals.

How Med Esthetiks Offers the Best Rhinoplasty Procedure

Med Esthetiks stands out in the realm of cosmetic surgery for providing top-tier rhinoplasty procedures tailored to meet individual needs. By combining advanced surgical techniques with personalized care, Med Esthetiks ensures optimal outcomes. Their team of skilled surgeons led by Dr Lokesh Handa and state-of-the-art facilities contribute to their reputation as a leading choice for those seeking to improve their nasal appearance and functionality.

Why You Should Choose Dr Lokesh Handa for Rhinoplasty Surgery?

Dr. Lokesh Handa is a name synonymous with excellence and precision in the field of cosmetic surgery, especially renowned for his expertise in nose correction procedures. With a career dedicated to enhancing natural beauty and improving functional issues through surgical expertise, Dr. Handa stands as a pillar of knowledge and skill within the cosmetic surgery community.

Board Certified: Dr. Handa is a board-certified surgeon, ensuring he meets the rigorous standards of education, ethics, and research in cosmetic surgery.

Extensive Training: He has undergone extensive training in some of the most prestigious institutions worldwide, equipping him with a global perspective on cosmetic surgery trends and techniques.

Years of Experience: With over a decade of hands-on experience, Dr. Handa has honed his craft, specializing in rhinoplasty surgery, among other cosmetic procedures, ensuring each patient receives care tailored to their unique needs.

Innovative Techniques: Always at the forefront of innovation, he employs the latest surgical techniques to achieve natural-looking results, minimizing recovery time and enhancing patient satisfaction.

Educator and Mentor: Beyond his practice, Dr. Handa is dedicated to the education of upcoming surgeons, sharing his knowledge and experience as a mentor and educator.

Dr. Lokesh Handa’s credentials and experience not only highlight his commitment to the field of cosmetic surgery but also ensure that patients are receiving care from a highly skilled and compassionate professional. His approach to nose job and other cosmetic procedures combines artistry with precision, reflecting a deep understanding of the aesthetic and functional aspects of surgery. Whether patients are seeking cosmetic enhancement or functional improvement, Dr. Handa’s expertise offers them a path to achieving their goals with confidence and trust.

Consultation Process with Dr Lokesh Handa for
Rhinoplasty Surgery (Nose Job)

Consulting with Dr. Lokesh Handa for rhinoplasty surgery is the first step towards achieving your desired nasal appearance and functionality. This initial consultation is a comprehensive process designed to ensure that every patient’s unique needs and expectations are fully understood and meticulously planned for. Dr. Handa’s approach prioritizes patient education, comfort, and personalized care, setting the foundation for a successful surgical outcome.

Personalized Evaluation: Expect a thorough examination of your nasal structure, facial balance, and skin quality to tailor the surgical approach to your specific anatomy and aesthetic goals.

Detailed Discussion: Dr. Handa will discuss your aesthetic desires, any breathing difficulties you may be experiencing, and how rhinoplasty can address these issues. This is your opportunity to ask questions and express any concerns.

Rhinoplasty in Delhi

Visual Simulation: Utilizing advanced imaging technology, Dr. Handa may offer a visual simulation of potential post-surgery outcomes, helping to align expectations with realistic surgical possibilities.

Preparation Guidelines: Receive comprehensive instructions on how to prepare for surgery and what to expect during the recovery phase, including dietary restrictions, medications to avoid, and post-operative care tips.

Transparent Communication: Dr. Handa emphasizes transparent communication about the surgery’s risks, benefits, and potential complications, ensuring you are well-informed before making a decision.

The consultation process with Dr. Lokesh Handa for rhinoplasty surgery is an essential step towards a successful outcome. It not only helps build a mutual understanding and trust between the patient and surgeon but also ensures that you are fully prepared for the journey ahead. Dr. Handa’s commitment to excellence, combined with his personalized approach, makes this consultation a pivotal moment in your path to achieving your aesthetic and functional goals with rhinoplasty.

Types of Rhinoplasty Procedures Offered at Med Esthetiks by Dr Handa

Med Esthetiks, under the expert guidance of Dr. Lokesh Handa, offers a range of nose correction procedures, each designed to address specific aesthetic and functional concerns. Dr. Handa’s mastery over these techniques ensures personalized solutions that cater to the unique needs of every patient. Below is a detailed description of the types of rhinoplasty procedures available at Med Esthetiks:

Open Rhinoplasty

Open rhinoplasty involves a small incision on the columella, the tissue that separates the nostrils, allowing Dr. Handa complete access to the nasal structure. This method is preferred for more complex cases where significant restructuring is required. It offers unparalleled visibility and precision, making it possible to achieve substantial improvements in both appearance and function.

Closed Rhinoplasty

Closed rhinoplasty is characterized by incisions made within the nostrils, leaving no visible scars. This nose job technique is suited for patients needing minor to moderate adjustments. It benefits from shorter recovery times and less swelling compared to the open technique, making it a popular choice for those with less extensive modifications.

Revision Rhinoplasty

Also known as secondary nose job, this procedure is for patients who have undergone previous nose surgery and are dissatisfied with the outcome, whether due to aesthetic or functional issues. Dr. Handa’s expertise in revision rhinoplasty lies in his ability to correct prior imperfections and achieve the patient’s desired results with a careful and considered approach.

Functional Rhinoplasty

Functional rhinoplasty focuses on improving the nose’s breathing function without altering its appearance. Dr. Handa addresses structural abnormalities such as a deviated septum or enlarged turbinates that can cause breathing difficulties. This procedure is ideal for patients looking for relief from nasal blockages and improved airflow.

Ethnic Rhinoplasty

Ethnic rhinoplasty or nose job takes into consideration the diverse nasal characteristics of different ethnic groups, preserving the patient’s cultural identity while making desired improvements. Dr. Handa’s approach to ethnic rhinoplasty is highly individualized, ensuring that changes enhance natural beauty without diminishing ethnic heritage.

Each rhinoplasty procedure offered at Med Esthetiks is executed with the utmost care and precision, guided by Dr. Lokesh Handa’s extensive experience and dedication to achieving natural-looking results. Patients can rest assured that their specific needs and goals will be met with the highest standard of surgical excellence

Step-by-Step Rhinoplasty Procedure at Med Esthetiks

The surgical process of rhinoplasty surgery at Med Esthetiks, guided by Dr. Lokesh Handa, is a meticulous and carefully planned journey designed to ensure optimal outcomes and patient satisfaction. Here’s a detailed walkthrough of the step-by-step procedure:


Pre-Operative Consultation

Initial Assessment: Patients undergo a comprehensive evaluation, including medical history review and physical examination, to determine their suitability for surgery.

Goal Setting: Dr. Handa discusses the patient’s aesthetic and functional goals, providing realistic expectations about the outcomes.

Imaging and Planning: Advanced imaging techniques are used to simulate potential results, aiding in the surgical planning process.

Also, discuss the rhinoplasty cost with your surgeon to make an informed decision.



Medical Clearance: Patients may be required to obtain medical clearance from their general physician to ensure they are fit for surgery.

Pre-Surgical Instructions: To minimize the risk of complications, specific instructions are given regarding medications, fasting, and other pre-operative preparations.



Administration: Rhinoplasty surgery is typically performed under general anesthesia or intravenous sedation, ensuring the patient’s comfort and safety throughout the procedure.

Surgical Steps

Incision: Depending on the chosen technique (open or closed), incisions are made either inside the nostrils or across the columella.

Reshaping: The nasal structure is carefully reshaped, which may involve removing bone or cartilage, or adding tissue (grafting) to achieve the desired contour.

Adjusting the Septum: For functional improvements, the septum is straightened, and any obstructions are corrected to improve breathing.

Refining the Tip and Bridge: The nasal tip and bridge are sculpted to enhance the nose’s overall appearance, ensuring harmony with other facial features.

Closing the Incisions: Once the desired reshaping is achieved with the nose job, the incisions are meticulously closed with sutures.



Immediate Post-Operative Care: Patients typically spend a short time in the recovery area under observation before being allowed to go home.

Follow-Up Visits: Scheduled follow-up appointments with Dr. Handa ensure proper healing and address any concerns during the recovery phase.

Healing: Swelling and bruising are common but gradually subside over the weeks. Detailed post-operative care instructions, including activity restrictions and care of the surgical site, are provided to support the healing process.


Final Results

Visibility: While immediate changes can be noticed, the final results of nose correction procedures gradually emerge as swelling reduces, typically over a year.

Long-Term Care: Ongoing communication with Dr. Handa ensures any questions or concerns post-recovery are addressed, maintaining the results of the rhinoplasty surgery.

Rhinoplasty at Med Esthetiks under Dr. Lokesh Handa’s expert care is a comprehensive and personalized process. From the initial consultation to the final reveal of the surgical outcome, every step is taken with the utmost precision and care for the patient’s desires and well-being.

Potential Risks and Complications of Rhinoplasty Surgery and How Dr Handa Mitigates Them

Rhinoplasty, like any surgical procedure, carries potential risks and complications. However, under the skilled hands of Dr. Lokesh Handa at Med Esthetiks, every measure is taken to minimize these risks and ensure a safe and successful outcome. Understanding these potential issues and how they are mitigated is crucial for patients considering rhinoplasty.

Bleeding: While some bleeding is expected, excessive bleeding can be a risk. Mitigation involves careful technique during surgery and clear pre-operative instructions about medication and supplement avoidance that could increase bleeding.

Infection: The risk of infection with a nose job is minimized through the sterile surgical environment and, if necessary, the use of prophylactic antibiotics before and after the procedure.

Anesthesia Complications: Comprehensive pre-operative health assessments help to minimize risks associated with anesthesia. The anesthesia team closely monitors the patient throughout the procedure.

Unsatisfactory Results: There’s always a risk that the outcome may not meet the patient’s expectations. Revision surgery may be an option in some cases, which Dr. Handa discusses thoroughly during the consultation process.

Nasal Septal Perforation: A rare complication where a hole in the nasal septum may develop, potentially causing breathing difficulties. Meticulous surgical technique and post-operative care are essential to prevent this.

Scarring: In open rhinoplasty surgery, a small scar on the columella might be visible. Dr. Handa employs techniques to minimize and carefully place incisions to ensure they are as inconspicuous as possible.

The commitment of Dr. Lokesh Handa and the team at Med Esthetiks to patient safety and satisfaction is paramount. By employing advanced surgical techniques, thorough pre-operative planning, and personalized patient care, the risks associated with rhinoplasty are significantly reduced. Patients are encouraged to openly discuss any concerns or questions they may have during their consultation, ensuring they are fully informed and comfortable with their decision to proceed with rhinoplasty.


Ideal candidates for rhinoplasty surgery are individuals looking to improve the appearance and/or function of their nose, are in good general health, have realistic expectations, and are non-smokers or willing to quit smoking well in advance of the surgery. During your consultation, Dr. Handa will assess your medical history, nasal structure, and aesthetic goals to determine if rhinoplasty is suitable for you.

For a productive consultation, it’s beneficial to bring a list of your medical conditions, allergies, current medications, previous surgeries, and any images of desired nose shapes. Additionally, preparing a list of questions or concerns you have about the procedure will help ensure you cover all your bases during your discussion with Dr. Handa.

Dr. Handa customizes each rhinoplasty surgery by thoroughly assessing the patient’s facial structure, skin thickness, and nasal anatomy, along with their aesthetic goals and functional needs. This detailed evaluation, combined with advanced imaging techniques, allows him to create a surgical plan tailored specifically to each patient, ensuring results that are harmonious and natural-looking.

Rhinoplasty candidates should be in their mid- to late teens, as the nose must be fully developed before surgery can be considered. Typically, this means at least 16 years of age for girls and 18 for boys. Dr. Handa evaluates younger patients on a case-by-case basis, taking physical and emotional maturity into account.

The duration of a nose correction procedure can vary, typically ranging from 1 to 3 hours. This time frame depends on the complexity of the surgery and whether additional procedures, such as septoplasty, are being performed simultaneously. Dr. Handa ensures that patients and their families are well-informed about the specifics of their surgical plan, including estimated time.

Yes, it’s possible to combine rhinoplasty surgery with other procedures for comprehensive facial rejuvenation or correction. Common combinations include chin augmentation to improve facial balance or eyelid surgery for a refreshed appearance. During your consultation, Dr. Handa can discuss your aesthetic goals and recommend a personalized treatment plan that may include multiple procedures for optimal results.