MED ESTHETIKS provides a complete solution to all your cosmetic surgery related issues. Situated in the neighbourhood of the famous M-block market of Greater Kailash part 1 of New Delhi, India, this centre for Cosmetic and Hair Transplant surgery caters to all the advanced, modern and international standard of surgeries. The Medical Director OF MED ESTHETIKS, Dr. Lokesh Handa, who has an experience of more than 14 years in this field, has also brought with him an International experience. He has practised in Dubai, UAE for more than 4 years because of which he has clients across all the continents. And along with this, he has brought the required surgical skill set and knowledge to treat and provide aesthetic transformation to his new clients across India and the world.
The horizon of Cosmetic and aesthetic surgery is vast. This website will brief you about the major cosmetic procedures that we routinely do. You will get a brief outlay of most of the surgeries and some surgeries may not even be listed here. For a thorough understanding of your cosmetic issue, you will have to visit the clinic and consult with Dr Lokesh Handa, who will provide you with all the knowledge about you specific conditions and their solutions.