Breast Augmentation Surgery

Breast Augmentation with Natural Looking Results by Dr. Lokesh Handa

Embrace your enhanced beauty with the breast size and shape you always desired!

A breast augmentation procedure involves surgically enhancing the size and shape of the breasts through the insertion of implants or by fat grafting. It aims to improve symmetry, restore volume, or increase breast size, contributing to enhanced body confidence.

At Med Esthetiks, under the expert guidance of Dr. Lokesh Handa, breast augmentation is not just a procedure; it’s a journey toward reclaiming your confidence and embracing your body’s potential. With state-of-the-art facilities and a compassionate approach, we specialize in crafting personalized experiences that reflect your unique aspirations.

Our dedication to excellence ensures that every aspect of your enhancement reflects the highest standards of safety, aesthetics, and care. Join us at Med Esthetiks, where your vision meets our expertise to create the silhouette you’ve always desired.

Who are the Ideal Candidates for Breast Augmentation Surgery?

At Med Esthetiks, under the expert care of Dr. Lokesh Handa, we believe that breast augmentation surgery is a deeply personal decision that can empower individuals. It can enhance not just physical appearance but also boost confidence and self-perception.

Ideal Candidates:

  • Individuals seeking to enhance body symmetry.
  • Those looking to restore breast volume lost to pregnancy, weight changes, or aging.
  • Persons desiring to improve the overall appearance of their breasts.
  • Individuals are willing to give up smoking 4 weeks before and after the surgery as it diminishes the ability to absorb the results fully, recover and heal.
  • Candidates with realistic expectations and a clear understanding of the procedure.
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Choosing Med Esthetiks for your breast augmentation means entrusting your vision to a team that values your aspirations, ensuring a journey marked by safety, compassion, and excellence. Dr. Handa is dedicated to providing personalized care, tailoring each procedure to meet the unique needs and goals of our clients.

Benefits of Breast Augmentation Procedure at Med Esthetiks

Breast augmentation at Med Esthetiks, led by the esteemed Dr. Lokesh Handa, offers a transformative journey toward achieving your ideal body image. This procedure is more than an aesthetic enhancement; it’s a step towards self-empowerment and renewed confidence.


  • Enhanced Body Symmetry: Achieves a balanced and proportionate body shape.
  • Increased Confidence: Boosts self-esteem and body positivity.
  • Customizable Results: Offers a range of implant options for personalized outcomes.
  • Recovery of Pre-Pregnancy Figure: Restores breast volume and shape post-pregnancy.
  • Correction of Asymmetry: Addresses and corrects natural asymmetries for a harmonious appearance.

Choosing breast augmentation surgery with Dr. Handa at Med Esthetiks is not just about altering your appearance; it’s about embracing your desired self with confidence and pride. Our dedicated team ensures a supportive and informed experience, guiding you toward achieving the silhouette you’ve always envisioned.

Types of Implants Used for Breast Augmentation Surgery

When considering breast augmentation at Med Esthetiks under Dr. Lokesh Handa, patients have two main implant options: silicone and saline. Each type offers distinct advantages and considerations and can also vary the breast augmentation surgery cost.


Silicone Implants

Pros: Mimic natural breast tissue; preferred for their realistic feel.

Cons: Requires regular monitoring for potential leaks; slightly higher cost.

Saline Implants

Pros: Leakage is immediately noticeable; can be adjusted for size during surgery.

Cons: Might feel less natural compared to silicone; potential for visible rippling.

Your choice between silicone and saline implants will depend on personal preferences, body type, and desired outcomes. Dr. Handa is committed to guiding each patient through this important decision, ensuring the choice aligns with their aesthetic goals and lifestyle.

Types of Incisions for Breast Augmentation and Benefits

Inframammary Incision: Made in the crease under the breast, this incision is popular for its direct access to the breast tissue and implant placement, allowing for precise positioning. It’s well hidden by the natural breastfold.

Periareolar Incision: This incision circles the edge of the areola, blending the scar with the change in skin texture and colour. It’s beneficial for certain implant types and can facilitate breastfeeding.

Transaxillary Incision: Made in the armpit, this option leaves no visible scars on the breast itself, appealing to those who prioritize discreteness.

Transumbilical Incision: Though less common, this approach involves an incision near the belly button, with implants inserted and moved up to the breasts. It offers the least visible scarring.

Each incision type has its specific advantages, tailored to meet diverse needs and preferences.

Step-by-Step Breast Augmentation Procedure

Consultation: The journey begins with a comprehensive consultation at Med Esthetiks, where Dr. Lokesh Handa assesses your health, understands your aesthetic goals, and explains the procedure in detail. This step is crucial for tailoring the surgery to meet your individual needs and expectations.

Procedure: On the day of surgery, you’ll be under anesthesia for comfort. Dr. Handa employs precise incision techniques to ensure minimal scarring, followed by the careful placement of the chosen implants. The method of implant placement and incision type are selected based on your anatomy and desired outcome, ensuring a natural look and feel.

Recovery: Recovery is a vital phase where your body heals and adjusts to the implants. Dr. Handa and the Med Esthetiks team provide comprehensive aftercare instructions and support. Follow-up visits are scheduled to monitor your progress, ensuring a smooth recovery and the achievement of your desired aesthetic results.

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Risks and Complications Associated with Breast Augmentation Procedure

Breast augmentation at Med Esthetiks is approached with the utmost care and precision by Dr. Lokesh Handa, yet, as with any surgical procedure, there are inherent risks and potential complications.

  • Infection: Rigorous sterilization and post-operative care protocols are in place to minimize this risk.
  • Changes in Sensation: Sensitivity alterations are closely monitored, with most cases being temporary.
  • Implant Issues: Techniques for detecting and addressing implant leakage or rupture are employed, ensuring patient safety.
  • Need for Revision Surgery: With meticulous planning and execution, the likelihood of requiring additional surgeries is significantly reduced.

Med Esthetiks prioritizes patient safety and satisfaction. It implements state-of-the-art procedures and comprehensive follow-up care to mitigate these risks and ensure a smooth and successful recovery process.

What Sets Dr. Lokesh Handa Apart in Breast Augmentation Surgery?

Breast Augmentation Surgery in Delhi

Dr. Lokesh Handa is a renowned figure in the realm of cosmetic surgery especially breast augmentation procedure at Med Esthetiks. With years of dedicated experience, Dr. Handa offers:

  • Years of Experience: Mastered the art of breast augmentation with years of dedicated practice.
  • Technical Precision and Aesthetics: Blends technical skill with a natural sense of beauty for natural-looking results.
  • Credentials: Holds extensive training and certifications in advanced cosmetic procedures.
  • Patient-Centric Approach: Prioritizes well-being and satisfaction, making every journey comfortable and transformative.
  • Commitment to Care: A journey marked by care, confidentiality, and comprehensive support at Med Esthetiks.

Take the first step towards your transformation journey with a personal consultation for breast augmentation with Dr. Lokesh Handa at Med Esthetiks. Discover the tailored approach and expert care that can help you achieve your aesthetic goals. Secure your appointment today and embark on a path to renewed confidence and beauty.


Ideal candidates are those looking for increased breast size, improved symmetry, or restoration after pregnancy or weight loss, with realistic expectations about the outcomes.

Med Esthetiks primarily uses silicone and saline implants, each offering distinct advantages in terms of feel, look, and surgical flexibility.

Recovery typically involves rest and limited activity to allow healing, with specific instructions provided by Dr. Handa to ensure a smooth process and minimize risks of complications.

Med Esthetiks, under Dr. Lokesh Handa’s expertise, utilizes advanced surgical techniques, thorough pre-operative consultations, and personalized care plans to ensure optimal safety, satisfaction, and aesthetically pleasing results.

The cost varies depending on implant type, surgical techniques, and individual patient needs. Med Esthetiks offers detailed consultations to provide personalized quotes.